Main Content Area RegistrationTitle Main Content Area Share this page Share on FacebookShare on TwitterShare on LinkedInEmailMore options select BookmarksGoogle+MySpaceRedditStumbleUponTumblrYammer The Totally Responsible Organization:Working Better Together How do you infuse your organization with a culture of responsibility, cooperation, respect and teamwork? This practical, full day workshop that will help every employee – leaders and individual contributors – to learn innovative and proven ways to control negative emotions, beliefs or habits that impede cooperation and productivity. Join us for this fast-paced program full of discussion, small group exercises, and inspirational stories about the power of Becoming a Totally Responsible Person (TRP®) as well as tips on how to create a Totally Responsible Organization. This nationally renowned training program is used in companies such as ESPN, American Express, Unilever, Humana, numerous YMCAs and hospitals throughout the country, and many more. THE BOTTOM-LINE RESULTS: Greater self-awareness and leadership capacity. Greater influence, accountability and development of your people. ]Improved communication, feedback and work relationships. Improved team work and creativity. Increased innovation and problem-solving. Increased productivity and respect. Decreased stress and conflict. Greater enjoyment of work and life! LEARNING OBJECTIVES INCLUDE: Recognize our Moments of Choice and how to exercise courage and self-control in the face of adversity How to Reverse the Flow—to use negative emotions, challenging situations, and even stress or conflict to create positive change, and “win-win” outcomes. How to eliminate Gossip & Criticism from the workplace (and anywhere else). Influence others without Rescuing or Enabling their negative behaviors and attitudes. How to uncover deeper Meaning and Purpose in work and life—by “keeping your eyes on the prize”—what matters most. 6 Recertification Credits 6 PDC's When 11/16/2023 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM Where HR Source 3025 Highland Parkway, Suite 225 Downers Grove 60515 UNITED STATES Google Yahoo Outlook/iCalendar Loading Non-Member PriceMember Price $450.00$350.00 Please sign in or create an account to register. Username Required Password Required Keep me signed in Forgot username? | Forgot password? Create a new account