How do you infuse your organization with a culture of responsibility, cooperation, respect and teamwork? This practical, full day workshop that will help every employee – leaders and individual contributors – to learn innovative and proven ways to control negative emotions, beliefs or habits that impede cooperation and productivity.
Join us for this fast-paced program full of discussion, small group exercises, and inspirational stories about the power of Becoming a Totally Responsible Person (TRP®) as well as tips on how to create a Totally Responsible Organization.
This nationally renowned training program is used in companies such as ESPN, American Express, Unilever, Humana, numerous YMCAs and hospitals throughout the country, and many more.
- Greater self-awareness and leadership capacity.
- Greater influence, accountability and development of your people. ]Improved communication, feedback and work relationships.
- Improved team work and creativity.
- Increased innovation and problem-solving.
- Increased productivity and respect.
- Decreased stress and conflict.
- Greater enjoyment of work and life!
- Recognize our Moments of Choice and how to exercise courage and self-control in the face of adversity.
- How to Reverse the Flow—to use negative emotions, challenging situations, and even stress or conflict to create positive change, and “win-win” outcomes.
- How to eliminate Gossip & Criticism from the workplace (and anywhere else).
- Influence others without Rescuing or Enabling their negative behaviors and attitudes.
How to uncover deeper Meaning and Purpose in work and life—by “keeping your eyes on the prize”—what matters most.

6 Recertification Business Credits 6 PDC's