Introduction to Point Factor Job Evaluation and the NPEP

Introduction to Point Factor Job Evaluation and the NPEP
This is a virtual training program presented through Zoom.

Unlike market benchmarking, which has a focus on external equity, point factor job evaluation compensation systems focus on the internal equity of jobs. Under a point factor system, jobs are dissected and evaluated under a number of compensable factors (typically 10-12). Examples of compensable factors include knowledge and skill requirements, need for problem solving and independent judgment, relationship responsibility, degree of supervision required and working conditions. Based on these factors, the evaluator will assign points that numerically represent the complexity and level of the job. The total score accumulated under the job evaluation assessment determines the position’s pay grade assignment.

Attendees will learn point factor job evaluation fundamentals and how to apply the National Position Evaluation Plan, a point-factor system utilized by HR Source.  The NPEP system has three sub-parts (Units I, II and III).  This introductory class will use Unit II which is utilized for non-exempt office positions.
4/8/2021 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Virtual Session