Job Descriptions: Revise, Don’t Ditch
By Mary Lynn Fayoumi, CAE, SPHR, SHRM-SCP, President & CEO
Published February 21, 2023
For every job, there is a description. Often, this vital information about the qualifications, skills, and responsibilities of a job is contained in a formal written document, but sometimes, the job description is simply stored in a manager’s or employee’s head. When done right, job descriptions take time and effort to draft. For a trained professional who knows a job relatively well, it takes an hour or two to write a decent one. But because jobs tend to evolve over time, they also tend to fall out of date. Many employers get behind in their updates and eventually decide that job descriptions are not worth the effort. That however, could have long-term and potentially costly repercussions. So, it may be time to revise - not ditch - your job descriptions.
You might be shaking your head because you believe job descriptions are out of vogue in the modern workplace. Perhaps you’re thinking back to the late ‘80s and early ‘90s when some were ringing the death knell for “formal” HR practices that were deemed time-consuming, labor intensive, or restrictive. Employment applications, employee handbooks, and performance appraisals have also been on the proverbial chopping block periodically. Some business owners, organizational leaders, or their advisors and consultants deemed written (and “discoverable”) documents as confining should there be a dispute with an applicant or employee.
In the past thirty years however, a plethora of federal, state, and local employment laws as well as countless agency and court cases have given employers ample evidence that documentation is critical to staying to effectively resolving employment-related disputes. Although resumes and LinkedIn profiles are helpful in making selection decisions, these marketing pieces tend to be inconsistent compared to legal documents. Information that does not paint an application in a positive light is often intentionally left off a resume but tends to be illuminated on a job application.
In terms of job descriptions, there are several notable ways that they are foundational to strong HR practices. First, they allow an employer to write strong job postings that communicate with potential applicants and motivate people to apply. Second, they help employers make better hiring decisions that are non-discriminatory and based on job-related qualifications and skills. Third, job descriptions aid with onboarding and training employees as well as setting performance expectations. Last, in the event an employer requests a fitness for duty exam, the job description is the best way for the employee’s physician to understand the job functions the employee is responsible for completing. Job titles (and the employee’s own description) may not necessarily provide the details the physician needs to make an informed decision regarding the employee’s ability to perform job functions.
While each of these supporting reasons for job descriptions is valid, the reason that most employers today are focusing on updating these documents is not on the list above. What is it then? The main reason employers have recently been prioritizing this resource-intensive project is so that they can benchmark their compensation practices to attract and retain talent in a tight job market. Are you surprised? If so, maybe you are fortunate to have low turnover or are an employer of choice with candidates lining up to work for your organization.
If not, I’d suggest you take time to review your current job descriptions to assess their condition. During this process, you may want to consider changing qualification requirements. Many employers have determined that requiring a college degree is unnecessarily screening out strong candidates who have work or life experience or other training or certifications that could set them up for success on the job. Taking this step can also be a proactive part of an organization’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion initiatives.
Ditching job descriptions is not advisable for conscientious employers who are trying to create and maintain a strong employment brand and positive workplace culture. Although they do require resources to write and update, they are a proven employment tool and well worth the effort.
As always, HR Source has a variety of resources to support you. Don’t hesitate to reach out at 1-800-448-4584 or for assistance with job descriptions and other important HR tasks.