Make a List, Check It Twice.
By Chris Schneider, Director, Strategic Partnerships
Published December 5, 2023
The end of the year is an avalanche of activity for our family. Many things to accomplish, commemorate, celebrate, and clear off the decks. I save my ugliest items on the list for the “bridge week” between Christmas and New Year’s. That unruly closet, a pile of unfiled bank statements, a basement that’s looking a little “hoardy” - your days are numbered. A big hot mess of a project is perfect this time of year due to the bad weather, good cheer, and all the indoor living.
What is on your end of the year list? In HR there are things that we all put off and delay that need attention. I have assembled a short “naughty” list of HR tasks to help you start the new year refreshed and ready for 2024.
1) Check your posters! As much as we try not to use fear tactics to get you to update your required postings, it is a good time to review what’s required, and see if you comply. Here is our Field Guide to Employment Law Posters (and poster order link). 😉
2) Getting ready for annual performance reviews/salary adjustments? ‘Tis the season. Many employers tackle this in January, so why not polish up your compensation plans by checking out our online salary estimator.
3) Looking to refresh some of your policies to ring in the new year? Have a look at our ever-popular forms and sample documents to stay current!
4) Need a bigger stocking stuffer? We’ve curated document bundles that are thematic to specific HR topics: DE&I, ADA, Discipline and Termination, FMLA, etc. For an economical price, you can update many of your policies without a formal handbook review.
5) Finally, while the clock is running out this year, it might be prudent to schedule your annual complimentary HR Check-Up and make some resolutions for the new year.
Happy Holidays, and if you’re reading this as a non-member, please reach out and we’ll help you knock out your naughty list!
What is on your HR procrastination list? Is there anything you’ve kept putting off that you’re set on tackling for 2024? Join the conversation on the HR Exchange All Members Community.