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Non-member 30 Day job post
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Purchase all six Document Bundle items for just $1495.00 ($1995.00 for non-members). That's more than a 25% discount!
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This HR Document Bundle includes eight customizable document templates to help you efficiently manage your responsibilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA).

The ADA Bundle includes:

  • ADA Inquiry Form
  • Clarification Letter
  • Disposition of Accommodation Request
  • Fitness for Duty
  • Medical Documentation Not Received
  • Medical Information Update Request
  • Physician... Details
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DE&I remains a challenge for many organizations. They aren’t sure where to start or what to do to make a real difference. To help, HR Source created the DE&I Self Assessment.

This DE&I assessment will help you generate, analyze and understand your DE&I-related data. This includes helping you evaluate how diversity is represented at all levels of your organization, how DE&I-friendly your various policies and practices are, and the equity and inclusiveness of your... Details

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The Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Bundle consists of 14 fully editable and customizable employee handbook policy statements that will clearly establish and define your organization’s commitment to fair and equitable employment practices.

The DE&I Bundle includes:

• Making Your Handbook Diverse, Inclusive and Equitable (Article)
• Bullying Policy
• DE&I Reasonable Accommodation Policy
• Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace Policy... Details
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This HR Document Bundle includes nine (seven customizable) document templates to help you efficiently manage your responsibilities related to the discipline and termination of employees.

The Discipline & Termination Bundle includes:

  • Acceptance of Resignation
  • Counseling and Disciplinary Action Form
  • Exit Interview Questionnaire
  • Investigatory Suspension
  • Performance Improvement Plan
  • Termination... Details